Being involved in an automobile accident can be stressful all by itself. When that accident results in the injury or death of another person you could be charged with Criminal Vehicular Operation, or Criminal Vehicular Homicide. Both charges carry significant potential penalties.

Criminal Vehicular Operation

If you are involved in an accident that injures, but does not cause the death of another person, you can be charged with criminal operation. In order to prove that you are guilty the prosecution must show that:

Acted in a “grossly negligent manner”; or While operating the vehicle you were under the influence of drugs or alcohol; or Or that you caused an injury to another because you acted in a “grossly negligent manner” and then left the scene
The penalty for criminal operation varies depending upon the seriousness of the injuries and other underlying factors of the accident. The penalty can range from 1-5 years imprisonment and up to $10,000 in fines.

Criminal Vehicular Homicide

The difference between criminal operation and vehicular homicide is that your action caused death instead of injury. The prosecutor must still prove all the same factors as in a criminal operation case.

The penalty for vehicular homicide can includes imprisonment for up to 10 years and a fine of up to $20,000.

If you are charged with criminal operation or vehicular homicide having the knowledge of an experienced attorney is vital. Call the offices of Ascheman Law today.