Ascheman Law Criminal Defense Blog

Drug Sniffing Dog Gone Too Far

SCOTUSblog flags a pending cert petition on an interesting Fourth Amendment question: What limits, if any, does the Fourth Amendment place on the use of a trained drug-sniffing dog to approach the front door of a home?  There are probably numerous...

STD Crimes

If you haven't realized it by now, Minnesota's laws regarding the knowing transmission of an STD (or STI) are a little archaic.  Although the actual interpretation of the statute is currently in dispute, the State claims that you have an STD and you...

Illinois Revamps Crim Law

Illinois has chopped its bloated criminal code by about a third, updated old laws and added protections for defendants in one of the most ambitious criminal-law reorganizations by a state in recent years. via: WSJ However, they failed to remove simple unconstitutional...

Busted for Permanent Markers

‎13 Year Old Boy Busted For Illegal Marker Possession via: DECEMBER 22 -- A 13-year-old boy was arrested Friday for using a permanent marker while in class at his Oklahoma City middle school, a violation of an obscure city ordinance. According...

Warrant Crackdown

Last week Hennepin County deputies were focused on cracking down on people with warrants.  With the help of several local officers from numerous cities in the area, as well as FBI agents, the officers cleared about 175 warrants. Having a warrant is a dangerous...

Know your Rights

Recently we published a polling question over on Facebook: Can an officer demand you provide them with identification? Five possible answers: Yes, anytime, anywhere, for any reason. Yes, but only if you're driving or committing a crime. Yes, but only if you're...

Ascheman Law Criminal Defense Blog Archive
