Using the law as a blunt object: Wisconsin DA threatens prosecution for teaching new sex ed class

Case Blog – Comcast v. FCC

Today I planned on talking about State v. Cox… As you can tell, this is not State v. Cox, but rather Comcast v. FCC.  I present this case today because of my strong feelings on the issues of the net.  Let me start by introducing you to our contenders...
Using the law as a blunt object: Wisconsin DA threatens prosecution for teaching new sex ed class

Private E-mail

“N.J. Supreme Court upholds privacy of personal e-mails accessed at work” This is something of concern for Grant and myself.  We tend to do an extensive amount of communication with our clients via e-mail.  Primarily coordinating schedules to...
Using the law as a blunt object: Wisconsin DA threatens prosecution for teaching new sex ed class

Blood Testing in DUI

Justin McShane is probably one of my favorite DUI attorneys, if one has such a thing.  This is probably because he holds no punches and he delivers what he knows.  Although his blogs are not necessarily the best for those that are trying to understand the...
Using the law as a blunt object: Wisconsin DA threatens prosecution for teaching new sex ed class

10 Rules for Dealing with Police

Here is an interesting video from Flex Your Rights.  Here is a short summary of the rules: 1. Always be calm and cool. – This can be a difficult rule to follow, especially because nobody I know is comfortable when getting pulled over by the police. 2. You...