Limit on the First Amendment

I’d like to say that I’m surprised by this ruling, but unfortunately I’m not.  Every limitation on the First Amendment is a restriction on all of us.  I hope that an appeal is in the works....

Bad News for Post Convictions

Anyone working on getting an old postconviction relief by the courts may be in a rough ride with the recent court decisions. A09-2047        Alexander Jerome Miller, Appellant, vs. State of Minnesota, Respondent. 1.  ...

Freedom of Facebook

This was a pretty interesting case.  It was brought to my attention thanks to Justin Kwong over at Virtual Navigator. His blog has a fantastic blog that always has great articles and thoughtful insight.  Anyone who loves virtual law and everything it touches...

Padilla Doesn't Apply Retroactively

I don’t believe this ruling will come as much of a surprise to any practicing criminal defense attorney.  However, it’s good to keep in mind that Padilla is not retroactive when looking at appeals. Rene Reyes Campos, Respondent, vs. State of...