DWI Affirmative Defenses

169A.46 AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES. Subdivision 1.Impairment occurred after driving ceased. If proven by a preponderance of the evidence, it is an affirmative defense to a violation of section 169A.20, subdivision 1, clause (5); 1a, clause (5); 1b, clause (5); or 1c, clause...

DWI and the PBT

169A.41 PRELIMINARY SCREENING TEST. Subdivision 1.When authorized. When a peace officer has reason to believe from the manner in which a person is driving, operating, controlling, or acting upon departure from a motor vehicle, or has driven, operated, or controlled a...
Florida v. Powell – US Supreme Court – Case Review

The Presumption of Innocent in DUI case

I believe I have mentioned Justin McShane before.  A very interesting and knowledgeable PA DUI attorney.  He just released another article about the presumption of innocence in DUI cases.   To summarize, it appears that the innocence of the...
Florida v. Powell – US Supreme Court – Case Review

Zombie Rights

The 8th Circuit court (of which MN belongs) ruled the police had no probable cause to arrest the undead for disorderly conduct.  These ‘zombies’ were dressed up to protest consumerism in Minneapolis during the 2006 Aquatennial. The fact that...