Ascheman Law Criminal Defense Blog

Juvenile Detention

Clarifies detention placement options for extended jurisdiction juveniles pending revocation hearings. Provides that the offender may be detained in a secure juvenile detention facility. If there is no secure juvenile detention facility or existing acceptable...

Quote – Cynthia Roseberry

"We, as criminal defense lawyers, are forced to deal with some of the lowest people on earth, people who have no sense of right and wrong, people who will lie in court to get what they want, people who do not care who gets hurt in the process. It is our job–our sworn...

Case Blog: Laine v. Minnesota A09-323

Time for another one of those Case Blogs.  Today we are dealing with another request for Post Conviction Relief.  In this case, Mr. Laine was convicted on the murder of his girlfriend.  To summarize the case against him: Laine called 911 and reported...

Quote from the Bench – U.S. v. Broomfield (2005)

"Gilding the lily, the officer testified that he was additionally suspicious because when he drove by [the suspect] in his squad car before turning around and getting out and accosting him he noticed that [the suspect] was 'star[ing] straight ahead.'  Had [the...

Interstate Compact for juveniles

Effective upon ratification by 35 states Establishes an Interstate Compact for juveniles to (A) ensure that the adjudicated juveniles and status offenders subject to this compact are provided adequate supervision and services in the receiving state as ordered by the...

Case Blog: Davis v. Minnesota A09-1983

Here's a "short but sweet" case from early this past summer.  There are several claims going into this case - ranging from "my attorney failed to make this argument" to "please reconsider this sentence." Mr. Davis happened to have a bad night.  It appears he...

Ascheman Law Criminal Defense Blog Archive
