How do I get a conviction off my record?
When you are charged with a crime in Minnesota there can be serious consequences that will effect your future. Even if you are not found guilty of the crime and it is dismissed, the initial charges can still come back to haunt you. Some employers or landlords may have...
2 am phone call – Hearsay
It looks like the new Hearsay publication is out. I'm happy to say that "The 2 a.m. Phone Call" was accepted and looks great. Take a look and tell me what you think.
LQOTD – Disorderly Conduct
Legal question of the Day: What did you do if you were arrested for Disorderly Conduct? Bonus Point: What's the maximum sentence? Check out the answer tomorrow on our Facebook Page.
Burnsville MN – Dakota County – AXON video system
Today I received news of, what I believe, to be a step in the right direction. Officers in Burnsville, MN (Dakota County) have received a new toy. Now, it may seem a little odd for a Criminal Defense attorney to celebrate an event like this, but...
Judge Posner Quote of the Day – 20101204
Quote of the Day: “Indianapolis does not claim to be concerned with protecting highway safety against drivers high on drugs, ... Its program of drug roadblocks belongs to the genre of general programs of surveillance which invade privacy wholesale in order to discover...
Facebook – Legal question of the day – Batman
Over on our Facebook page we have been posting Legal questions of the day. I thought I would share todays question, as it was rather entertaining. Is Batman a State actor for the purpose of a Federal 1983 claim? In other words, when Batman beats up the bad...