Today We Honor Martin Luther King Jr.

Today We Honor Martin Luther King Jr.

In 1950’s America, the equality of man envisioned by the Declaration ofIndependence was far from a reality. People of color — Blacks,Hispanics, Asians — were discriminated against in many ways, both overtand covert. The 1950-1960’s were turbulent times in...

Stop and Frisk

When can a police officer stop and frisk you before you’re arrested? A police officer’s right to stop and frisk was allowed by the United States Supreme Court in Terry v. Ohio. If an officer reasonably believes that a suspect is armed and dangerous, the...

Bar Time Trivia

We are happy to announce that we have a new Bar Time Trivia card comingout. These will be dropped off at a few select bars in the Twin Cities.If your Bar is not selected, I hope that you still take the chance tocheck out the trivia questions listed below. 1.What...

Resisting Unlawful Arrest

While working for clients charged with assaulting a police officer,I’ve heard the common refrain: “I only fought back because the policeofficer arrested me for no reason”.  Fighting back resulted in clientsbeing charged with 4th Degree Assault...