Freedom of Facebook

This was a pretty interesting case.  It was brought to my attention thanks to Justin Kwong over at Virtual Navigator. His blog has a fantastic blog that always has great articles and thoughtful insight.  Anyone who loves virtual law and everything it touches...

Padilla Doesn't Apply Retroactively

I don’t believe this ruling will come as much of a surprise to any practicing criminal defense attorney.  However, it’s good to keep in mind that Padilla is not retroactive when looking at appeals. Rene Reyes Campos, Respondent, vs. State of...

Standard Citations

For those of us that get the occasional speeding ticket, this is probably mildly interesting.  For those of us that deal with numerous Cities, Counties, and State agencies all handing out separate and unique tickets, it’s a little more exciting....

Drug Sniffing Dog Gone Too Far

SCOTUSblog flags a pending cert petition on an interesting Fourth Amendment question: What limits, if any, does the Fourth Amendment place on the use of a trained drug-sniffing dog to approach the front door of a home?  There are probably numerous...

STD Crimes

If you haven’t realized it by now, Minnesota’s laws regarding the knowing transmission of an STD (or STI) are a little archaic.  Although the actual interpretation of the statute is currently in dispute, the State claims that you have an STD...